
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hoppy brew / TUE 10-11-11 / /, to a bowler / Miler Sebastian / Marie with two Nobels / Nonfielding A.L. players / Protective part of a trunk

Constructor: Ed Sessa

Relative difficulty: Whatever

THEME: Tumblers — Each theme answer is a different definition of the word "tumblers."

Hey, everybody. PuzzleGirl here with your Tuesday serving of puzzly goodness. Rex is sans Internet tonight for some reason, so you're stuck with me. Let's try to make the best of it, shall we?

Theme answers:
  • 17A: Tumblers (LOCK DEVICES).
  • 32A: Tumblers (CIRCUS ACROBATS).
  • 41A: Tumblers (WHISKEY GLASSES).
  • 59A: Tumblers (JACK AND JILL).
Okay, some people don't like this type of theme, but I'm not one of them. I like a little something different now and then just to mix it up. I also think the JACK AND JILL answer is inspired. Doug and I were chatting about it and he said he thought the acrobats and Jack and Jill lead to the same definition of "tumblers," but I disagree. Jack and Jill are inadvertently falling down a hill having tripped on a rock or something. On the other hand, the circus people are doing that activity known as "tumbling" and though they may be rolling around much like someone falling down a hill, their actions are controlled and purposeful. I rest my case.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time here today. It's late, I'm tired, and I'm in Oprah Magazine. Wait, what? You didn't know I was in Oprah Magazine? Yes, I really am. Page 167 of the November issue if you just want to check it out in line at the grocery store. It's a section about people who have found a hobby they're passionate about. Mine is about scrapbooking. No no no, of course it isn't. It's about puzzles! It's just a little part of a bigger article, but it has my picture and everything so yeah, it's exciting. I mean, it's freaking Oprah.

Was there something else we were supposed to be talking about? Oh right, the puzzle. Setting aside a couple of clunkers (I'm looking at you OBEYER and KEY CASE) and the presence of URKEL, there's some pretty awesome fill here. I mean, how can you not like RABBIT TEST? That right there is a sparkly entry. Also, "WHERE TO?" I always get a kick out of the colloquial phrases.

I don't think I would have liked only two sports abbreviations in the grid, but since there are three, it almost seems kinda cool. Other than that, um … yeah, I think I'm done. I mentioned the thing about Oprah, right? ….



P.S. from Rex: What PuzzleGirl didn't say—she's ending her own popular crossword blog, "L.A. Crossword Confidential." Today is her last post over there. I assume that I will be able to call her out of retirement when I need a substitute blogger, like when I'm drunk out of town. At any rate, she will be missed by lots of faithful L.A. Times solvers. PPS I hear she's in "O" magazine this month.

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